
  • 2008
    Project Start
  • 2008
    DEU In Service
  • 2035
    Construction Completion

The Partnership

Since 2008, Corix has been a key partner in providing sustainable utility services to Dockside Green residents. In 2018, Corix assumed sole ownership of Dockside Green Energy following approval from the British Columbia Utilities Commission.

The Opportunity

Dockside Green sought reliable, cost-effective and environmentally responsible utility services to meet the needs of its growing community.

Corix has delivered sustainable, uninterrupted services to the Dockside Green residents since assuming an ownership stake and full operational responsibilities of the district energy system in 2008. In 2018, Corix became the sole owner of Dockside Green Energy, providing the opportunity to continue building upon the legacy of this transformational community.

The Solution

Corix has taken proactive measures to optimize the Dockside Green district energy system. In 2021, three smaller, more efficient condensing boilers replaced a large, non-condensing natural gas-fired boiler in the Energy Centre to bolster the system’s performance.

Looking ahead, Corix continues to explore innovative low-carbon energy sources, laying the groundwork for a sustainable energy transition that aligns with Dockside Green’s eco-conscious ethos.

The Energy System

The Dockside Green district energy system currently has a capacity of 2.4 MWt and provides space heating and domestic hot water services to 700,000 square feet of connected floor space.

As the development grows and energy demand increases, Corix will integrate a low-carbon energy solution to ensure the long-term viability of energy service for decades to come.

Future low-carbon energy sources are currently under evaluation in order to identify suitable technologies to decarbonize the district energy system in the near future.