
  • 2007
    Project Start
  • 2057
    50-year Contract Completion

The Partnership

Corix, through its 100% wholly-owned subsidiary, Corix Utility Systems (Alaska) LLC, partnered with Doyon Limited, an Alaska Native regional aboriginal business corporation, to establish “Doyon Utilities LLC” (Doyon). This partnership was formed to undertake the ownership, operation, financing, design, and reconstruction of multi-utility infrastructure on three U.S. military installations bases in Alaska, encompassing water, wastewater, thermal energy, and electrical distribution.

The Opportunity

Operating in the challenging Alaskan climate and terrain presented an opportunity for Corix to provide and manage mission-critical infrastructure in America’s frontier. 

Through Doyon, Corix provides essential life- and health-sustaining services to strategically significant military installations. These services include operating and maintaining 12 utility systems serving more than 55,000 army personnel, including providing district heating to the Bassett Army Hospital at Fort Wainwright – the only military hospital in Interior Alaska.

The Solution

A key component of the project was delivering thermal and electrical energy to the army population. Corix has implemented measures to enhance energy efficiency in existing facilities at Fort Wainwright, alongside introducing new initiatives like the 7 MWe Landfill Gas renewable energy generation project at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. This multifaceted approach aims to optimize energy management and reduce operational costs.

Corix’s operations and management resulted in an estimated 30% reduction in capital investment costs over the years.

The Energy Systems

At Fort Wainwright, centralized heating for nearly 16,000 residents is facilitated by a 22 MWe cogeneration heat and power facility supported by over 30 miles of underground piping. Doyon continues to explore alternative energy sources in conjunction with the Department of Defense, such as natural gas and nuclear, to transition the cogeneration plant from coal.

At Fort Greely, located near Delta Junction, centralized heating is provided to over 1,200 residents via a 5MWe cogeneration heat and power facility with over 3 miles of underground piping. 

At Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, utility services are provided to a population exceeding 12,000. Notably, the installation’s energy requirements are met by the state’s first landfill gas plant, using methane from the Anchorage landfill to generate approximately 60% of the base’s energy needs, successfully converting waste into clean energy.