Accounts & Billing

Here’s where you’ll find information on how to read your bill and make payments.

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corix grid pattern

Understanding Your Bill

  1. Corix Contact Information

    Customer Care, emergency, and other contact information

  2. Bill Details

    Bill period, invoice date, and due date

  3. Account Summary

    Customer name, account number and service address. Your 10-digit Account Number should be referenced on all correspondence and payments

  4. Billing Summary and Consumption History

    At-a-glance graphs will appear depending on your services

  5. Current Charges

    Current charges, taxes (if applicable) and total due

  6. Remittance Stub

    Attach this section to mailed payments

  7. Mailing Address

    Customer mailing address. If this needs to be updated, please contact Customer Care

  8. Payee Name and Remit Address

    Please ensure the payee and remit address are reflected on your payments correctly

Paying Your Bill

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

To pay your bill electronically, please contact Customer Care.

Through Your Bank

Pay through your financial institution, either in-person, by telephone, or through online banking. You can use the payee details in the Payment Remittance section of your bill to set this up.


Please include your utility account number on the cheque and mail the remittance stub along with your cheque. 


Regulatory Affairs

Rates and Tariffs

Learn about your rates, recent regulatory proceedings, and view the current tariff.

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Your Account

Log in to Corix Connect

The Corix online self-service portal lets you take control of your utility accounts from the comfort of your home. You can:

  • View your bills and access your account 24/7
  • Update account details
  • Monitor usage
  • Go paperless!
  • And more…

Not registered? Go to and click on “Create an Account”.

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